Enhancement of Organic Coffee Production

Enhancement of Organic Coffee Production in Namvang, Viengphouka

Empowering coffee farmers in Laos through organic cultivation and capacity-building initiatives to enhance sustainability and economic resilience in the coffee sector.


The Lao coffee sector faces challenges in competitiveness and sustainability. This project aims to address these issues by reinforcing commercial capacities, particularly in organic coffee production.

Key Objectives

Expand Organic Coffee Production

Increase cultivation area and adopt sustainable practices.

Technical and Management Capacity Building

Provide training to enhance farmers' skills and knowledge.

Quality Improvement through Infrastructure

Upgrade processing facilities to meet international standards.

Reforestation and Biodiversity Conservation

Restore deforested areas and promote agroforestry for environmental sustainability.

Building Sustainable Coffee Futures

This project is vital for the livelihoods of coffee farmers and the sustainability of the environment. By supporting organic coffee production and capacity-building efforts, donors contribute to economic resilience and environmental conservation in Laos.

Get involved

Support the reinforcement of commercial capacities in the Lao coffee sector by making a donation. Your contribution will empower farmers, promote sustainability, and foster economic development in coffee-growing communities.

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